Very often we are so preoccupied with the destination, we forget the journey. We invite you to journey with us... 🎧 🎤 🎹 🎼 ✍️ Sign up for a more ‘MUSICAL’ music education or Become a Rhythm MP dealer
Musical Moments… Pre-Grade 1 to Advanced
Bring music ‘alive’, turn it into your own music, with visualisation and improvisation. 🎧 ♫ Listen to the Musical Moments on SoundCloud
The PROUD little note » A little note's journey to musical awareness
Creative Musical Moments with THEORY PRE-GRADE 1
Classic Musical Moments 1 with THEORY GRADE 1
Classic Musical Moments 2 with THEORY GRADE 2
Classic Musical Moments 3 with THEORY GRADE 3
Classic Musical Moments 4 with THEORY GRADE 4
Classic Musical Moments 5 with THEORY GRADE 5
Inspirations (Winners' Musical Moments for Pianists)
Baba Nyonya Musical Moments » theory/practical connection
Advanced Baba Nyonya Musical Moments » practical/aural connection
Nyonya Kebaya Manuscript Book
Musical Moments also available at Shop | Faber Music and FM Dealers
For Composing Made Easy try My Second Theory Book
Music Jamboree 2014 Album » Young Composers Music Manuscript
Music Jamboree » Follow us on
Made Easy… Beginner to Grade 8
Let’s start from the very beginning – a very good place to start!
🎧 LISTEN and FEEL the beat/pulse.
👂 You automatically FEEL each beat when LISTENING to music.
♫ Do not count the beats when playing music.
🎹 Learn to FEEL the beats in the music you play.
💖 FEELING the beats will make you play more musically.
Theory Made Easy for Little Children Level 1
Theory Made Easy for Little Children Level 2
My First Theory Book
My Second Theory Book
My Third Theory Book
Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 1
Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 2
Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 3
Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 4
Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 5
Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 6
Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 7
Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 8
Piano Lesson Made Easy Level 1 👂🎹 contrary-motion
Piano Lesson Made Easy Level 2
Piano Lesson Made Easy Level 3
Finger Exercises Made Easy Level 1
Finger Exercises Made Easy Level 2
Finger Exercises Made Easy Level 3
Piano Lesson Made Easy Series at Shop | Faber Music and FM Dealers
🎹 Everything in music is interconnected. You may play the Musical Moments series for more MAKING CONNECTIONS ideas and activities.
“Set goals that are attainable, then slowly raise the bar. It is better to play something easier and master it, understand the character and technicalities of the piece, before moving on to more difficult pieces. Do not straightaway choose pieces that are too difficult, to avoid frustration and discouragement.” — Helen Yeo, Musical Moments

Greek Edition
Κατάλληλα για παιδιά ηλικίας 4-7 ετών, αυτά τα δύο βιβλία παρουσιάζουν τη θεωρία της μουσικής μέσα από έγχρωμη εικονογράφηση και αυτοκόλλητα για τις ασκήσεις. Τα παιδιά παίρνουν μεγάλη ευχαρίστηση μαθαίνοντας μουσική απ’ αυτά τα βιβλία.
Σχεδιασμένα για μια ομαλή μετάβαση στη Βαθμίδα 1 της θεωρίας, αυτά τα βιβλία περιέχουν πολλές ασκήσεις και παιχνίδια τα οποία κινούν το ενδιαφέρον του παιδιού.
Για παραγγελίες τηλ. 6945606832, Τζένη Θεοφανοπούλου, dalsegno

French Edition
Theorie Rendue Facile Pour Les Jeunes Enfants Niveau 1
Theorie Rendue Facile Pour Les Jeunes Enfants Niveau 2
Spécialement conçus pour les jeunes enfants de 4 à 7 ans, ces deux livres présentent la théorie de la musique en utilisant des illustrations de couleurs vives et des autocollants pour les exercices. Les enfants trouveront beaucoup de plaisir en apprenant la musique par ces livres.
Mon Premier Livre De Theorie
Mon Second Livre De Theorie
Mon Troisieme Livre De Theorie
Ces livres enveloppent les rudiments pour commencer à lire, écrire et jouer la musique. Chaque livre contient beaucoup d’exercices et jeux qui sont intéressants pour les jeunes débutants âgés de 7 ans et plus.
Pour d'autres informations veuillez visiter
Turkish Edition
Müzik Alfabesi 1. Bölüm
Müzik Alfabesi 2. Bölüm
Müzik Alfabesi İlk Teori Kitabım
Müzik Alfabesi İkinci Teori Kitabım
Müzik Alfabesi Piyano 1. Bölüm » 🎹 » YENİ ÜRÜN
İLETİŞİM: 0216 445 24 70
Traditional Chinese Edition(繁體版) ♫ 推薦商品
幼兒樂理練習1 (Item: MPT-3005-01C)
幼兒樂理練習2 (Item: MPT-3005-02C)
我愛樂理1 (Item: MPM-3002-01C)
我愛樂理2 (Item: MPM-3002-02C)
我愛樂理3 (Item: MPM-3002-03C)
輕鬆學鋼琴1 (Item: MPP-4002-01C)
輕鬆學鋼琴2 (Item: MPP-4002-02C)
輕鬆學鋼琴3 (Item: MPP-4002-03C)
兒童鋼琴指法1 (Item: MPF-4001-01C)
兒童鋼琴指法2 (Item: MPF-4001-02C)
兒童鋼琴指法3 (Item: MPF-4001-03C)
聯絡香港電話:(852)2801 4939、台灣電話:(02)2777 1592

Step By Step The Fun Way Series by Dr. Geraldine Law-Lee
Step By Step Piano Course The Fun Way Step 1
Step By Step Piano Course The Fun Way Step 2
Step By Step Piano Course The Fun Way Step 3
Step By Step The Junior Technique Reinforcer Step 4
Step By Step to Piano Lessons The Fun Way Master Series 1
Step By Step to Piano Lessons The Fun Way Master Series 2
Also available at Shop | Faber Music and FM Dealers
Be A Young Composer on CDE

Click here for Concert Theme Ideas
Hashtag #AliceChuaPpiF
Playing Piano is Fun by Alice Chua | Facebook
AliceChuaPPIF - YouTube
Alice Chua (AliceChuaPPIF) on Twitter
Playing Piano Is Fun - Blog
'Playing Piano Is Fun' is a unique series developed by Alice Chua through active and successful interaction with her students over many years. All the material in this series is composed by the author and is organised in a comprehensive and progressive manner. These books are equally engaging when used in individual or group lessons and will enhance every child's CREATIVITY as they experience the wonderful world of music. — Begin your CREATIVE journey today! ♫ Video
Playing Piano Is Fun Book 1
Playing Piano Is Fun Book 2
Playing Piano Is Fun Book 3
Playing Piano Is Fun Book 4
The ART of Teaching (AoT) is written specially for teachers who are teaching beginners. It is written in simple instruction and AoT is very much suited to be used alongside all piano tutor books and graded syllabus as teaching music elements are applicable to all piano tutor books. — Pieces, Scales, Sight-Reading, Aural, Theory, Creativity, Composition, Improvisation and Technique Building.
Music is connected in all elements. We cannot isolate a piece to teach without involving any aural awareness, and neither can we teach theory without ‘hearing’ the theory, (e.g. we have to hear the pitch of a sharpened note when we teach the accidental - sharp ‘#’). This cohesive organisation of thoughts and actions will make your lessons invaluable and interesting to your students. With it intertwined together, the lessons become ‘alive’ and musically enriching. — The ART of Teaching (AoT)
Let’s move on together for a more ‘MUSICAL’ music education for the new generation. They deserve a better music education than ours!
Also available at Shop | Faber Music and FM Dealers

In Preparation for the Theory Exam Series by Lee Ching Ching
In Preparation For The Theory Examinations Grade 1
In Preparation For The Theory Examinations Grade 2
In Preparation For The Theory Examinations Grade 3
In Preparation For The Theory Examinations Grade 4
In Preparation For The Theory Examinations Grade 5
In Preparation For The Theory Examinations Grades 6 to 8
Guidelines on the Instruments of the Orchestra
Also available at Shop | Faber Music and FM Dealers
Rhythm Concept Series also available at FM Dealers
3 IN 1 Concept: Figuring the Bass, Bach's Chorale, Trio Sonata
Guidelines on Identifying Music Scores Grade 6-8
Guidelines On History Of Music Grade 6-8
Guidelines On Technical Terms & Musical Devices Used In Musical Compositions Grade 6-8
Guidelines on Melody Writing with Exercises Grade 6-8
Guidelines on Figured Bass with Exercises Grade 6-8
Guidelines on Harmony Grade 6-8
Workbook on Harmony Grade 6
Workbook on Harmony Grade 7
Workbook on Harmony Grade 8
Guidelines on the Instruments of the Orchestra
An Introduction to 20th Century Music
An Illustrated Workbook Guide to the Orchestra, Composers and their Music
An Introductory Workbook Guide to Music Scores
The Young Pianist's Activity Book
A Handbook of Music Theory Grades 1-5
A Handbook of Music Theory Grades 6-8
Specimen Test Papers for Music Theory Grade 1
Specimen Test Papers for Music Theory Grade 2
Specimen Test Papers for Music Theory Grade 3
Specimen Test Papers for Music Theory Grade 4
Specimen Test Papers for Music Theory Grade 5
Specimen Papers for the Theory of Music Grade 1
Specimen Papers for the Theory of Music Grade 2
Specimen Papers for the Theory of Music Grade 3
Specimen Papers for the Theory of Music Grade 4
Specimen Papers for the Theory of Music Grade 5
Workbook With More Exercises on Theory of Music by Guy C. Cremnitz
Workbook With More Exercises on Theory of Music Grade 1
Workbook With More Exercises on Theory of Music Grade 2
Workbook With More Exercises on Theory of Music Grade 3
Workbook With More Exercises on Theory of Music Grade 4
Workbook With More Exercises on Theory of Music Grade 5
Workbook With More Exercises on Theory of Music Grade 6
Workbook With More Exercises on Theory of Music Grade 7
Workbook With More Exercises on Theory of Music Grade 8

Rhythm MP – Alfred's Classic Editions
🔎 Alfred's Classic Editions at music retailers or online sellers
Burgmüller 25 Progressive Pieces Op.100
Czerny Practical Method Op.599 Complete
Czerny The School of Velocity Op.299 Complete
42 Famous Classics for Easy Piano
Hanon Complete
Junior Hanon
Köhler Sonatina Album
Teacher's Choice for the Young Pianist
The Very First Piano Solo Book
Strictly Strings Violin Book 1
Strictly Strings Violin Book 2
Learn more at
Because of Love Series 🎧 Album by Lucy Loo on Spotify ♫
Because of Love (orange book) with CD
Because of Love (green book) with CD
Because of Love (purple book) with CD
Because of Love (red book) with CD
Keyboard Favourites Series
Keyboard Favourites Elementary Volume 1
Keyboard Favourites Elementary Volume 2
Keyboard Favourites Elementary Volume 3
Keyboard Favourites Intermediate Volume 1
Keyboard Favourites Intermediate Volume 2
Keyboard Favourites Intermediate Volume 3
Organ Books
Graded Organ Course Preliminary
Graded Organ Course Book 1
Graded Organ Course Book 2
Reference Books
The Art of Beethoven (in a set of 2 volume)
Guidelines to Piano Interpretation
Harmony Workbook
A Book of Musical Terms & Musical Instruments
Manuscript Book 190mm x 267mm, 8 staves, 32 pages, Stitched
Manuscript Book 225mm x 300mm, 12 staves, 32 pages, Stitched
Children's Manuscript Book 266mm x 187mm, 4 extra-wide staves, 32 pages, Stitched
Music Notebook – Student Assignment Book
Fun with Fingers Series
Fun With Fingers Book 1
Fun With Fingers Book 2
Fun With Fingers Repertoire Grade 1
Fun With Fingers Repertoire Grade 2
Fun With Fingers Repertoire Grade 3
Fun With Fingers Repertoire Grade 4
Fun With Fingers Repertoire Grade 5
Fun With Fingers Country & Blues
Fun With Fingers Mastering The Fretboard
Pop Selection Series
Pop Selection for the Classical Guitar Volume 1
Pop Selection for the Classical Guitar Volume 2
Pop Selection for the Classical Guitar Volume 3
Pop Selection for the Classical Guitar Volume 4
Play Guitar the Easy Way Series
Play Guitar the Easy Way Lagu-Lagu Pop Jilid 1
Play Guitar the Easy Way Liu Xing Bang Volume 1 / 吉他流行榜第一集
Play Guitar the Easy Way Top Hits Volume 2
Play Guitar the Easy Way Top Hits Volume 3
Guitar Reference Books
Guitar Chords & Scales
Guitar Chord Progressions, Scales & Arpeggios
Rock & Heavy Metal Guitar
Rock 'N' Pop Guitar Chord Book
Solo & Accompaniment for Guitar Book 1
Solo & Accompaniment for Guitar Book 2
Strum 'N' Sing-A-Long Book 1
Strum 'N' Sing-A-Long Book 2
Strum 'N' Sing-A-Long Book 3
The Fun Guitar Book 1
Bermain Gitar Aapek Melodi, Iringan dan Gubahan
Music For Festivities
All-Time Favourite Chinese New Year Songs for Piano / 钢琴新年金曲专辑
Christmas Carols for Piano
Tunes for Special Occasions - Christmas Isn't Christmas
Air Supply Greatest Hits
The Best of Danny Chan / 陈百强精选 🔍 Search Google
The Best of Beyond / Beyond 专辑
The Best of Jacky Cheung / 张学友专辑
The Best of Jacky Cheung Volume 2 / 张学友专辑第二集
The Best of Faye Wong / 王菲专辑
The Best of Sentimental Hits Volume 1
The Best of Sentimental Hits Volume 2
The Best of Sentimental Hits Volume 3
The Best of Sentimental Hits Volume 4
The Best of Sentimental Hits Volume 5
The Best of Sentimental Hits Volume 6
Box Office Themes Volume 1
Box Office Themes Volume 2
Box Office Themes Volume 3
Favourite Piano Solos Volume 1 / 钢琴精品集1
Favourite Piano Solos Volume 2 / 钢琴精品集2
Favourite Piano Solos Volume 3 / 钢琴精品集3
Favourite Piano Solos Volume 4 / 钢琴精品集4
Musical Memories 1930-1970 Volume 1 / 音响旧曲第一集
Musical Memories 1930-1970 Volume 2 / 音响旧曲第二集 🔍 Search
Musical Memories 1930-1970 Volume 3 / 音响旧曲第三集
Memorable Folk Hits / 音响民谣篇
Memorable Theme Songs / 音响电影篇
Special Request Volume 1
Special Request Volume 2
Special Request Volume 3
Special Request Volume 4
Special Request Volume 5
Special Request Volume 6
Children Songs
Kid's Corner Volume 1 / 小朋友歌集第一集
Kid's Corner Volume 2 / 小朋友歌集第二集
Kid's Corner
Lagu-Lagu Pendidikan
Malay Edition
Muzik-Muzik Jilid 5
Muzik-Muzik Jilid 6
Muzik-Muzik Jilid 7
Play Guitar the Easy Way Lagu-Lagu Pop Jilid 1
Lagu-Lagu Pendidikan
Bermain Gitar Aapek Melodi, Iringan dan Gubahan
Music Design / Music Net
Romantic Contemporary Hits Volume 37 / 浪漫金曲第三十七集
Romantic Contemporary Hits Volume 38 / 浪漫金曲第三十八集
Romantic Contemporary Hits Volume 39 / 浪漫金曲第三十九集
Mega Starz Hitz Volume 13
Mega Starz Hitz Volume 14
Selections From TV & Movie Themes Volume 27
Selections From TV & Movie Themes Volume 28
K Pop (A Collection of Korean TV & Movie Themes) Volume 8
Piano Instrumental Volume 7
EZ Hit for Easy Piano Volume 7
EZ Hit for Easy Piano Volume 8
EZ Hit for Easy Piano Volume 9
Hit Parade Volume 23
Hit Parade Volume 24
Hit Parade Volume 25
Hit Parade Volume 26
Popular Melodies for Solo Guitar Series 7
Popular Solo Guitar Hitz Volume 1
Essential Elements & Exercises for Aural Tests
Grade 4 (Book & CD) • BHL0511A
Grade 5 (Book & CD) • BHL0511B
Grade 6 (Book & 2 CDs) • BHL0511C
Grade 7 (Book & 2 CDs) • BHL0511D
Grade 8 (Book & 2 CDs) • BHL0511E
New 2nd English Edition
Compiled, written & performed by
Emeritus Professor Edward Ho

Music Sales at
🔎 Everybody's Favorite Series at music retailers or online sellers
Piano Pieces for Children (Everybody’s Favorite Series No.3)
Piano Pieces for Children 2 (Everybody's Favorite Series)
Piano Pieces for Young Children (Everybody's Favorite Series)
Piano Pieces for Adult Beginners (Everybody's Favorite Series)
Next Step Boogie, Rags and Blues Collection
Pop Tunes You've Always Wanted to Play
Show Tunes You've Always Wanted to Play
Fast Forward: 12-Bar Blues Piano Book & CD
Making the Grade Piano Grade 1
Eta Cohen’s: Violin Method Student’s Book 1
Eta Cohen’s: Violin Method Student’s Book 2
Making the Grade Violin & Piano Grade 1
Making the Grade Violin & Piano Grade 2
Making the Grade Violin & Piano Grade 3
Faber Music at /
Click here to hear a selection of Pam Wedgwood’s pieces.
Pam Wedgwood | Facebook
Up-Grade! Piano Grades 0–1 (Pam Wedgwood)
Up-Grade! Piano Grades 1–2 (Pam Wedgwood)
Up-Grade! Piano Grades 2–3 (Pam Wedgwood)
Up-Grade! Piano Grades 3–4 (Pam Wedgwood)
Up-Grade! Piano Grades 4–5 (Pam Wedgwood)
Really Easy Jazzin' About Piano Grades 0-2 (Pam Wedgwood)
Jazzin' About Styles Piano Grades 0-2 (Pam Wedgwood)
Jazzin' About Piano Duet Grades 0-2 (Pam Wedgwood)
Easy Jazzin' About Piano Duet Grades 3-5 (Pam Wedgwood)
Green Jazzin' About Piano Grades 4-5 (Pam Wedgwood)
Christmas Jazzin' About Piano Duet Grades 3-5 (Pam Wedgwood)
Christmas Jazzin' About Piano Grades 0-2 (Pam Wedgwood)
More Jazzin' About Piano Grades 0-2 (Pam Wedgwood)
Easy Jazzin' About Piano Grades 0-2 (Pam Wedgwood)
Jazzin' About Piano Grades 3-4 (Pam Wedgwood)
After Hours Book 1 Piano Grades 3-5 (Pam Wedgwood)
After Hours Book 2 Piano Grades 4-6 (Pam Wedgwood)
After Hours Book 3 Piano Grades 5-6 (Pam Wedgwood)
After Hours Piano Duet (Pam Wedgwood)
After Hours Christmas Piano (Pam Wedgwood)

Paul Harris is a teacher, composer, writer, clarinettist, educationalist and examiner. The author of over 250 publications including The Music Teacher’s Companion (ABRSM (Publishing) Limited) and the Improve Your Sight-Reading! series (Faber Music) and many works ranging from short educational pieces to five concertos and a ballet.
Click here to read 'Simultaneous learning: teaching pupils to think musically', featured in Libretto 2001:3
Click here to read 'Simultaneous learning for the advanced pupil', featured in Libretto 2002:2
Click here to read 'A teacher's guide to Improve Your Sight-Reading!'
Learn more at
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Piano Grade 1 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Piano Grade 2 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Piano Grade 3 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Piano Grade 4 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Piano Grade 5 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Piano Grade 6 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Piano Grade 7 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Piano Grade 8 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Scales! Piano Grade 1 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Scales! Piano Grade 2 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Scales! Piano Grade 3 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Scales! Piano Grade 4 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Scales! Piano Grade 5 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Practice! Piano Grade 1 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Practice! Piano Grade 2 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Practice! Piano Grade 3 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Practice! Piano Grade 4 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Practice! Piano Grade 5 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Violin Grade 1 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Violin Grade 2 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Violin Grade 3 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Violin Grade 4 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Violin Grade 5 (Paul Harris)
Young Violinist's Repertoire Book 1 (violin and piano)
Young Violinist's Repertoire Book 2 (violin and piano)
Young Violinist's Repertoire Book 3 (violin and piano)
Young Violinist's Repertoire Book 4 (violin and piano)
Boosey & Hawkes
Learn more at &
Microjazz for Absolute Beginners (Christopher Norton)
Microjazz for Beginners (Christopher Norton)
Microjazz Collection 1 (Christopher Norton)
Microjazz Collection 2 (Christopher Norton)
Microjazz Collection 3 (Christopher Norton)
Microjazz Duets Collection 1 (Christopher Norton)
Microjazz Duets Collection 2 (Christopher Norton)
Microjazz Duets Collection 3 (Christopher Norton)
Microstyles Collection [Book & CD] (Christopher Norton)
Latin Preludes Collection [Book & CD] (Christopher Norton)
Rock Preludes Collection [Book & CD] (Christopher Norton)
Christopher Norton Concert Collection [Book & CD] (Christopher Norton)
Christopher Norton Concert Collection 2 [Book & CD] (Christopher Norton)
Easiest Way to Improvise [Book & CD] (Christopher Norton)
Big Beats Smooth Groove [Book & CD] (Christopher Norton)
Big Beats Country Comfort [Book & CD] (Christopher Norton)
Big Beats Celtic Melt [Book & CD] (Christopher Norton)
Big Beats Chunky Phunky [Book & CD] (Christopher Norton)
Big Beats Techno Treat [Book & CD] (Christopher Norton)
Big Beats R&B Ripple [Book & CD] (Christopher Norton)
BARTÓK Mikrokosmos Volume 6
Classical Spectrum
ABC of Harmony Book A (Roy Wilkinson)
ABC of Harmony Book B (Roy Wilkinson)
ABC of Harmony Book C (Roy Wilkinson)
Also available from Boosey & Hawkes - Wilkinson, Roy
ABC of Theory Grade 6 (Roy Wilkinson & Maria Chen)
ABC of Theory Grade 7 (Roy Wilkinson & Maria Chen)
ABC of Theory Grade 8 (Roy Wilkinson & Maria Chen)
ABC of Aural Awareness Grade 1 (Roy Wilkinson & Maria Chen)
ABC of Aural Awareness Grade 2 (Roy Wilkinson & Maria Chen)
ABC of Aural Awareness Grade 3 (Roy Wilkinson & Maria Chen)
ABC of Aural Awareness Grade 4 (Roy Wilkinson & Maria Chen)
ABC of Aural Awareness Grade 5 (Roy Wilkinson & Maria Chen)
ABC of Aural Awareness Grade 6 (Roy Wilkinson & Maria Chen)
ABC of Aural Awareness Grade 7 (Roy Wilkinson & Maria Chen)
ABC of Aural Awareness Grade 8 (Roy Wilkinson & Maria Chen)
Also available from Boosey & Hawkes - Wilkinson, Roy & Chen, Maria
READ Letter To The Editor — Music is a living ART
Many of us, teachers are doing our best: engrossed in teaching students to read notes and play the piano tutor and examination books in the weekly lesson schedule. If we follow the traditional teaching/learning lesson, we are left with little or no time to develop our students’ MUSICIANSHIP further. There is more than playing piano tutor series and examination syllabus. Let us be that ‘special’ teacher to share more, teach more. — The ART of Teaching by Alice Chua
— go from strength to strength —
There is more treasure in BOOKS than in all the pirate's loot on treasure island — Walt Disney

Piano Lesson Notebook MZM-9008, 300mm x 225mm (landscape), Manuscript paper 22 mm stave height, 2 wide staves + piano/keyboard chart, 16 pages, Stitched (Erasable Whiteboard)
The ART of Teaching (AoT) is written specially for teachers who are teaching beginners. It is written in simple instruction and AoT is very much suited to be used alongside all piano tutor books and graded syllabus as teaching music elements are applicable to all piano tutor books. — Pieces, Scales, Sight-Reading, Aural, Theory, Creativity, Composition, Improvisation and Technique Building.
Let’s move on together for a more ‘MUSICAL’ music education for the new generation. They deserve a better music education than ours!
轻松弹钢琴 • “听”乐理
Playing Scales is Fun
Watch Down the Rabbit Hole from The ART of Teaching (AoT) ♫ Video
We all know the benefits of playing scales.
Why practise scales?
Playing scales inevitably helps to develop pianist skills thus improving keyboard fluency. Posture, hand position, co-ordination, balance between hands and movement of the arm all can be checked when playing scales. Most importantly, the sense of tonality and pattern can be acquired through playing scales - this speeds up the learning of NEW PIECES (a benefit when attempting sight-reading tests). This also develops playing with an even and a quality tone. This builds aural awareness. It is a good practice to encourage students to sing the scales if within vocal range. Playing scales from two to four octaves throughout all grade syllabus increases familiarity with the geography of the piano.
Why teach Scales and Arpeggios?

Rhythm MP's books are available from music retailers or music centers.
Free Hand Anthology 1
(21st Century Malaysian Piano Works)
Malaysia's very first anthology of piano compositions. The pieces from this collection range from intermediate to advanced and are suitable for pianists of all levels of proficiency.
♫ Listen to the works at
British national radio station, BBC Radio 3 - New Music Show featured performances from Free Hand Anthology 1 beginning last October 2020. Here are some excerpts from the broadcasts on YouTube at MCC TV.
International Piano Magazine calls Free Hand Anthology 1 (21st Century Malaysian Piano Works) "A fascinating and substantial selection of music for today that deserves international attention."
“A movie without soundtrack will be a very boring movie. When you play music, let the music create a picture in your mind, and give life to the picture with your music, like a movie soundtrack.” — Helen Yeo, Musical Moments
Let’s start from the very beginning – a very good place to start!
Playing Piano is Fun

Playing Piano is Fun Books 1 and 2 teach the very basics for piano playing. The tuneful eight-bar tunes were designed to catch the attention of the students and allow them to stay focus. The pieces in Books 3 and 4 are sixteen bars, this needs longer attention span. The forms of composition are slowly being introduced step-by-step. Upon completion of Book 4 the students can prepare ANY music examination board on Grade One piano syllabus both in practical and theory. They will have a STRONG FOUNDATION in the four main areas:-
1) Good finger dexterity in playing
2) Good reading in music literacy
3) Good musicianship in listening skills
4) Rudiments of music
All these QUALITIES make preparing an examination or playing the piano FUN and ENJOYABLE.
Click here for Concert Theme Ideas
PpiF is a progressive four-book piano tutor series. It is designed to meet the developmental needs of children as they journey through the wonderful world of music. It is the first piano tutor series to include a teacher’s guide (on the even number pages in Books One and Two) besides each students’ score (on the odd number pages). Materials in Books Three and Four will progress on to Grade one practical and theory syllabi. The author encourages the students to be CREATIVE - expressing themselves not only on playing but in drawing too. There are prompters on each piece to encourage the students to draw in the book. To awaken the musical interest of the children, the author-composer has included characters from Lewis Carroll's classic stories of Alice's adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-glass. All the tunes are composed by Alice Chua. Remember to bring smiles and laughter in your lessons. It is always a joy to see the enthusiasm of the children in your lessons. Teach the piano in a fun way. Have fun teaching! Enjoy the series!
In addition to playing piano, this series' unique approach includes Listening, Singing, Transposing, Harmonising, Improvising and Composing at an early stage.
💖 This is the favourite of many young students.
🎹 A Very Long Poem from Playing Piano is Fun Book 2 on
After the students can play the score confidently, you can expand the piece by teaching
i) auxiliary note - add F# between two Gs
ii) a Right Hand accompaniment - playing two notes - thumb on C and 5th finger on G along with a G played by LH
iii) minor key - flattened all Es in the score changing it to a minor mood
iv) etc., etc… ENJOY
🎹 Down the Rabbit Hole from Playing Piano is Fun Book 3 ♫ Video
The Holistic Development of a Child through Rhythm MAPS Programme
The PROUD little note: A little note's journey to musical awareness
Click here for Musical-Sense Enhancement Activities
“We do not make music simply by playing the notes. That's making noise. We make music by playing with awareness, by focusing and by listening.” — Helen Yeo, Musical Moments
“Look around you. Music can be found everywhere. In chaotic traffic jam, the blasting of horns. In a cafe, the low humming of voices, the coffee machine. In the garden, the chirping of birds. Music is all around you.” — Helen Yeo, Musical Moments
♫ Rhythm MP Composition Project » Official Entry Form ♫
现在就填写 Google Form 提交你的原创作品乐谱 PDF 吧!
♫ Listen to Inspirations (Winners' Musical Moments for Pianists)
Classic Musical Moments with THEORY GRADE 5
(Piano Solos with Theory In Practice Grade 5)
Click here for Theory Answer Sheets
♫ Listen to the Musical Moments on SoundCloud
Series: Musical Moments

Music creates pictures in our imagination. Learn how to visualise scenes and create pictures with music.
Many of us, teachers are doing our best: engrossed in teaching students to read notes and play the piano tutor and examination books in the weekly lesson schedule. If we follow the traditional teaching/learning lesson, we are left with little or no time to develop our students’ MUSICIANSHIP further. There is more than playing piano tutor series and examination syllabus. Let us be that ‘special’ teacher to share more, teach more. — The ART of Teaching by Alice Chua
— go from strength to strength —
There is more treasure in BOOKS than in all the pirate's loot on treasure island — Walt Disney

Piano Lesson Notebook MZM-9008, 300mm x 225mm (landscape), Manuscript paper 22 mm stave height, 2 wide staves + piano/keyboard chart, 16 pages, Stitched (Erasable Whiteboard)
The ART of Teaching (AoT) is written specially for teachers who are teaching beginners. It is written in simple instruction and AoT is very much suited to be used alongside all piano tutor books and graded syllabus as teaching music elements are applicable to all piano tutor books. — Pieces, Scales, Sight-Reading, Aural, Theory, Creativity, Composition, Improvisation and Technique Building.
Let’s move on together for a more ‘MUSICAL’ music education for the new generation. They deserve a better music education than ours!
轻松弹钢琴 • “听”乐理
Playing Scales is Fun
Watch Down the Rabbit Hole from The ART of Teaching (AoT) ♫ Video
We all know the benefits of playing scales.
Why practise scales?
Playing scales inevitably helps to develop pianist skills thus improving keyboard fluency. Posture, hand position, co-ordination, balance between hands and movement of the arm all can be checked when playing scales. Most importantly, the sense of tonality and pattern can be acquired through playing scales - this speeds up the learning of NEW PIECES (a benefit when attempting sight-reading tests). This also develops playing with an even and a quality tone. This builds aural awareness. It is a good practice to encourage students to sing the scales if within vocal range. Playing scales from two to four octaves throughout all grade syllabus increases familiarity with the geography of the piano.
Why teach Scales and Arpeggios?

Rhythm MP's books are available from music retailers or music centers.
Free Hand Anthology 1
(21st Century Malaysian Piano Works)
Malaysia's very first anthology of piano compositions. The pieces from this collection range from intermediate to advanced and are suitable for pianists of all levels of proficiency.
♫ Listen to the works at
British national radio station, BBC Radio 3 - New Music Show featured performances from Free Hand Anthology 1 beginning last October 2020. Here are some excerpts from the broadcasts on YouTube at MCC TV.
International Piano Magazine calls Free Hand Anthology 1 (21st Century Malaysian Piano Works) "A fascinating and substantial selection of music for today that deserves international attention."
“A movie without soundtrack will be a very boring movie. When you play music, let the music create a picture in your mind, and give life to the picture with your music, like a movie soundtrack.” — Helen Yeo, Musical Moments
Let’s start from the very beginning – a very good place to start!
Playing Piano is Fun

Playing Piano is Fun Books 1 and 2 teach the very basics for piano playing. The tuneful eight-bar tunes were designed to catch the attention of the students and allow them to stay focus. The pieces in Books 3 and 4 are sixteen bars, this needs longer attention span. The forms of composition are slowly being introduced step-by-step. Upon completion of Book 4 the students can prepare ANY music examination board on Grade One piano syllabus both in practical and theory. They will have a STRONG FOUNDATION in the four main areas:-
1) Good finger dexterity in playing
2) Good reading in music literacy
3) Good musicianship in listening skills
4) Rudiments of music
All these QUALITIES make preparing an examination or playing the piano FUN and ENJOYABLE.
Click here for Concert Theme Ideas
PpiF is a progressive four-book piano tutor series. It is designed to meet the developmental needs of children as they journey through the wonderful world of music. It is the first piano tutor series to include a teacher’s guide (on the even number pages in Books One and Two) besides each students’ score (on the odd number pages). Materials in Books Three and Four will progress on to Grade one practical and theory syllabi. The author encourages the students to be CREATIVE - expressing themselves not only on playing but in drawing too. There are prompters on each piece to encourage the students to draw in the book. To awaken the musical interest of the children, the author-composer has included characters from Lewis Carroll's classic stories of Alice's adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-glass. All the tunes are composed by Alice Chua. Remember to bring smiles and laughter in your lessons. It is always a joy to see the enthusiasm of the children in your lessons. Teach the piano in a fun way. Have fun teaching! Enjoy the series!
In addition to playing piano, this series' unique approach includes Listening, Singing, Transposing, Harmonising, Improvising and Composing at an early stage.
💖 This is the favourite of many young students.
🎹 A Very Long Poem from Playing Piano is Fun Book 2 on
After the students can play the score confidently, you can expand the piece by teaching
i) auxiliary note - add F# between two Gs
ii) a Right Hand accompaniment - playing two notes - thumb on C and 5th finger on G along with a G played by LH
iii) minor key - flattened all Es in the score changing it to a minor mood
iv) etc., etc… ENJOY
🎹 Down the Rabbit Hole from Playing Piano is Fun Book 3 ♫ Video
The Holistic Development of a Child through Rhythm MAPS Programme

The PROUD little note: A little note's journey to musical awareness
Click here for Musical-Sense Enhancement Activities
“We do not make music simply by playing the notes. That's making noise. We make music by playing with awareness, by focusing and by listening.” — Helen Yeo, Musical Moments
“Look around you. Music can be found everywhere. In chaotic traffic jam, the blasting of horns. In a cafe, the low humming of voices, the coffee machine. In the garden, the chirping of birds. Music is all around you.” — Helen Yeo, Musical Moments
♫ Rhythm MP Composition Project » Official Entry Form ♫
现在就填写 Google Form 提交你的原创作品乐谱 PDF 吧!
♫ Listen to Inspirations (Winners' Musical Moments for Pianists)
Classic Musical Moments with THEORY GRADE 5
(Piano Solos with Theory In Practice Grade 5)
Click here for Theory Answer Sheets
♫ Listen to the Musical Moments on SoundCloud
Series: Musical Moments

Music creates pictures in our imagination. Learn how to visualise scenes and create pictures with music.
Musical Moments… Pre-Grade 1 to Advanced
Bring music ‘alive’, turn it into your own music, with visualisation and improvisation. 🎧 ♫ Listen to the Musical Moments on SoundCloud
The PROUD little note » A little note's journey to musical awareness
Creative Musical Moments with THEORY PRE-GRADE 1
Classic Musical Moments 1 with THEORY GRADE 1
Classic Musical Moments 2 with THEORY GRADE 2
Classic Musical Moments 3 with THEORY GRADE 3
Classic Musical Moments 4 with THEORY GRADE 4
Classic Musical Moments 5 with THEORY GRADE 5
Inspirations (Winners' Musical Moments for Pianists)
Baba Nyonya Musical Moments » theory/practical connection
Advanced Baba Nyonya Musical Moments » practical/aural connection
Nyonya Kebaya Manuscript Book
Musical Moments also available at Shop | Faber Music and FM Dealers
Folk Tunes of Malaysia for Violin Beginners
Folk Tunes of Malaysia for Violin Beginners (Piano Accompaniment Book)
The book combines the folk tunes of the various cultural groups in Malaysia with Ivan Galamian's principles of learning the violin. It consists of 15 Malaysian tunes carefully chosen and arranged for piano and violin. This violin book is one of the first books that explores the colourful folk tunes loved by Malaysians. 🎻 YouTube
🔎 Available at Rhythm MP music retailers or online sellers

Folk Tunes of Malaysia for Violin Beginners (Piano Accompaniment Book)
The book combines the folk tunes of the various cultural groups in Malaysia with Ivan Galamian's principles of learning the violin. It consists of 15 Malaysian tunes carefully chosen and arranged for piano and violin. This violin book is one of the first books that explores the colourful folk tunes loved by Malaysians. 🎻 YouTube
🔎 Available at Rhythm MP music retailers or online sellers

For Composing Made Easy try My Second Theory Book
Music Jamboree 2014 Album » Young Composers Music Manuscript
Music Jamboree » Follow us on

Made Easy… Beginner to Grade 8
Let’s start from the very beginning – a very good place to start!
🎧 LISTEN and FEEL the beat/pulse.
👂 You automatically FEEL each beat when LISTENING to music.
♫ Do not count the beats when playing music.
🎹 Learn to FEEL the beats in the music you play.
💖 FEELING the beats will make you play more musically.
Theory Made Easy for Little Children Level 1
Theory Made Easy for Little Children Level 2
My First Theory Book
My Second Theory Book
My Third Theory Book
Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 1
Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 2
Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 3
Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 4
Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 5
Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 6
Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 7
Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 8
Theory of Music Made Easy Series at Shop | Faber Music and FM Dealers
👂♫ Remember to include aural training when teaching theory — ‘HEAR’ the theory (and sing/play if possible) — Music is all about LISTENING thus effectively making our EARS act as our ‘eyes’, ‘brains’ and ‘everything’ in learning to play a musical instrument. ACTIVE LISTENING to the changes in pitch, rhythm, dynamics, articulation, and tempo is an acquired skill that can be nurtured and developed. — The ART of Teaching (AoT) 🎹
👂♫ Remember to include aural training when teaching theory — ‘HEAR’ the theory (and sing/play if possible) — Music is all about LISTENING thus effectively making our EARS act as our ‘eyes’, ‘brains’ and ‘everything’ in learning to play a musical instrument. ACTIVE LISTENING to the changes in pitch, rhythm, dynamics, articulation, and tempo is an acquired skill that can be nurtured and developed. — The ART of Teaching (AoT) 🎹
Piano Lesson Made Easy Level 1 👂🎹 contrary-motion
Piano Lesson Made Easy Level 2
Piano Lesson Made Easy Level 3
Finger Exercises Made Easy Level 1
Finger Exercises Made Easy Level 2
Finger Exercises Made Easy Level 3
Piano Lesson Made Easy Series at Shop | Faber Music and FM Dealers
🎹 Everything in music is interconnected. You may play the Musical Moments series for more MAKING CONNECTIONS ideas and activities.
“Set goals that are attainable, then slowly raise the bar. It is better to play something easier and master it, understand the character and technicalities of the piece, before moving on to more difficult pieces. Do not straightaway choose pieces that are too difficult, to avoid frustration and discouragement.” — Helen Yeo, Musical Moments
Practical and theory are not two entirely different, separate concepts. By incorporating theory with practical, the musician is able to develop a further understanding of the music, the ability to improvise or transpose certain passages to suit their style of playing, or to create their very own brand of accompaniment. - Helen Yeo, Musical Moments
For variations on a song try Piano Theory in Practice Made Easy.
Piano Theory in Practice Made Easy Level 1A
Piano Theory in Practice Made Easy Level 2A
Piano Theory in Practice Made Easy Level 3A
Piano Quartet (1 Piano, 8 Hands) This Old Man
Piano Quartet (1 Piano, 8 Hands) Ke Ren Lai
Piano Quartet (1 Piano, 8 Hands) Lu La Lay
“Do not straightaway Google song sheets for your favourite songs. Try to DIY. Reach out with your musical sense and play out the melody. Use chord progression to add accompaniment to the melody. Decorate the tune with catchy ornaments. The song will be more meaningful with your own personal touch.” — Helen Yeo, Musical Moments
🎹 Enjoy this Creative Musical journey! — The ART of Teaching (AoT)
♫ Really putting theory into practice
It’s the practical application of music theory that brings music to life. Get to the piano and play Piano Theory in Practice Made Easy — Keep Exploring Music! ‘Hear’ the theory ♫
Also available at Shop | Faber Music and FM Dealers

Piano Lesson Notebook MZM-9008, 300mm x 225mm (landscape), Manuscript paper 22 mm stave height, 2 wide staves + piano/keyboard chart, 16 pages, Stitched (Erasable Whiteboard)
Special Edition for Australia > Jayday Music Education
Music Theory Made Easy Grade 1 (AMEB)
Music Theory Made Easy Grade 2 (AMEB)
Music Theory Made Easy Grade 3 (AMEB)
Music Theory Made Easy Grade 4 (AMEB)

Special Edition for the United States and Canada
Music Theory Made Easy for Kids, Level 1 (Item: 98-MP300501US)
Music Theory Made Easy for Kids, Level 2 (Item: 98-MP300502US)
My First Music Theory Book (Item: 98-MP300201US)
My Second Music Theory Book (Item: 98-MP300202US)
My Third Music Theory Book (Item: 98-MP300203US)
For variations on a song try Piano Theory in Practice Made Easy.
Piano Theory in Practice Made Easy Level 1A
Piano Theory in Practice Made Easy Level 2A
Piano Theory in Practice Made Easy Level 3A
Piano Quartet (1 Piano, 8 Hands) This Old Man
Piano Quartet (1 Piano, 8 Hands) Ke Ren Lai
Piano Quartet (1 Piano, 8 Hands) Lu La Lay
“Do not straightaway Google song sheets for your favourite songs. Try to DIY. Reach out with your musical sense and play out the melody. Use chord progression to add accompaniment to the melody. Decorate the tune with catchy ornaments. The song will be more meaningful with your own personal touch.” — Helen Yeo, Musical Moments
🎹 Enjoy this Creative Musical journey! — The ART of Teaching (AoT)
♫ Really putting theory into practice
It’s the practical application of music theory that brings music to life. Get to the piano and play Piano Theory in Practice Made Easy — Keep Exploring Music! ‘Hear’ the theory ♫
- Rhythm
- Pitch
- Keys and Scales ♫ TiP (video)
- Intervals ♫ TiP
- Chords ♫ TiP (video)
- Terms, Signs and Instruments ♫ TiP (video)
- Music in Context ♫ FAQs
Also available at Shop | Faber Music and FM Dealers

Piano Lesson Notebook MZM-9008, 300mm x 225mm (landscape), Manuscript paper 22 mm stave height, 2 wide staves + piano/keyboard chart, 16 pages, Stitched (Erasable Whiteboard)
Special Edition for Australia > Jayday Music Education
Music Theory Made Easy Grade 1 (AMEB)
Music Theory Made Easy Grade 2 (AMEB)
Music Theory Made Easy Grade 3 (AMEB)
Music Theory Made Easy Grade 4 (AMEB)
Special Edition for the United States and Canada
Music Theory Made Easy for Kids, Level 1 (Item: 98-MP300501US)
Music Theory Made Easy for Kids, Level 2 (Item: 98-MP300502US)
My First Music Theory Book (Item: 98-MP300201US)
My Second Music Theory Book (Item: 98-MP300202US)
My Third Music Theory Book (Item: 98-MP300203US)

Greek Edition
Κατάλληλα για παιδιά ηλικίας 4-7 ετών, αυτά τα δύο βιβλία παρουσιάζουν τη θεωρία της μουσικής μέσα από έγχρωμη εικονογράφηση και αυτοκόλλητα για τις ασκήσεις. Τα παιδιά παίρνουν μεγάλη ευχαρίστηση μαθαίνοντας μουσική απ’ αυτά τα βιβλία.
Σχεδιασμένα για μια ομαλή μετάβαση στη Βαθμίδα 1 της θεωρίας, αυτά τα βιβλία περιέχουν πολλές ασκήσεις και παιχνίδια τα οποία κινούν το ενδιαφέρον του παιδιού.
Για παραγγελίες τηλ. 6945606832, Τζένη Θεοφανοπούλου, dalsegno

French Edition
Theorie Rendue Facile Pour Les Jeunes Enfants Niveau 1
Theorie Rendue Facile Pour Les Jeunes Enfants Niveau 2
Spécialement conçus pour les jeunes enfants de 4 à 7 ans, ces deux livres présentent la théorie de la musique en utilisant des illustrations de couleurs vives et des autocollants pour les exercices. Les enfants trouveront beaucoup de plaisir en apprenant la musique par ces livres.
Mon Premier Livre De Theorie
Mon Second Livre De Theorie
Mon Troisieme Livre De Theorie
Ces livres enveloppent les rudiments pour commencer à lire, écrire et jouer la musique. Chaque livre contient beaucoup d’exercices et jeux qui sont intéressants pour les jeunes débutants âgés de 7 ans et plus.
Pour d'autres informations veuillez visiter
Turkish Edition
Müzik Alfabesi 1. Bölüm
Müzik Alfabesi 2. Bölüm
Müzik Alfabesi İlk Teori Kitabım
Müzik Alfabesi İkinci Teori Kitabım
Müzik Alfabesi Piyano 1. Bölüm » 🎹 » YENİ ÜRÜN
İLETİŞİM: 0216 445 24 70
Traditional Chinese Edition(繁體版) ♫ 推薦商品
幼兒樂理練習1 (Item: MPT-3005-01C)
幼兒樂理練習2 (Item: MPT-3005-02C)
我愛樂理1 (Item: MPM-3002-01C)
我愛樂理2 (Item: MPM-3002-02C)
我愛樂理3 (Item: MPM-3002-03C)
輕鬆學鋼琴1 (Item: MPP-4002-01C)
輕鬆學鋼琴2 (Item: MPP-4002-02C)
輕鬆學鋼琴3 (Item: MPP-4002-03C)
兒童鋼琴指法1 (Item: MPF-4001-01C)
兒童鋼琴指法2 (Item: MPF-4001-02C)
兒童鋼琴指法3 (Item: MPF-4001-03C)
聯絡香港電話:(852)2801 4939、台灣電話:(02)2777 1592

Step By Step The Fun Way Series by Dr. Geraldine Law-Lee
Step By Step Piano Course The Fun Way Step 1
Step By Step Piano Course The Fun Way Step 2
Step By Step Piano Course The Fun Way Step 3
Step By Step The Junior Technique Reinforcer Step 4
Step By Step to Piano Lessons The Fun Way Master Series 1
Step By Step to Piano Lessons The Fun Way Master Series 2
Also available at Shop | Faber Music and FM Dealers
Be A Young Composer on CDE

Click here for Concert Theme Ideas
Hashtag #AliceChuaPpiF
Playing Piano is Fun by Alice Chua | Facebook
AliceChuaPPIF - YouTube
Alice Chua (AliceChuaPPIF) on Twitter
Playing Piano Is Fun - Blog
'Playing Piano Is Fun' is a unique series developed by Alice Chua through active and successful interaction with her students over many years. All the material in this series is composed by the author and is organised in a comprehensive and progressive manner. These books are equally engaging when used in individual or group lessons and will enhance every child's CREATIVITY as they experience the wonderful world of music. — Begin your CREATIVE journey today! ♫ Video
Playing Piano Is Fun Book 1
Playing Piano Is Fun Book 2
Playing Piano Is Fun Book 3
Playing Piano Is Fun Book 4
The ART of Teaching (AoT) is written specially for teachers who are teaching beginners. It is written in simple instruction and AoT is very much suited to be used alongside all piano tutor books and graded syllabus as teaching music elements are applicable to all piano tutor books. — Pieces, Scales, Sight-Reading, Aural, Theory, Creativity, Composition, Improvisation and Technique Building.
Music is connected in all elements. We cannot isolate a piece to teach without involving any aural awareness, and neither can we teach theory without ‘hearing’ the theory, (e.g. we have to hear the pitch of a sharpened note when we teach the accidental - sharp ‘#’). This cohesive organisation of thoughts and actions will make your lessons invaluable and interesting to your students. With it intertwined together, the lessons become ‘alive’ and musically enriching. — The ART of Teaching (AoT)
Let’s move on together for a more ‘MUSICAL’ music education for the new generation. They deserve a better music education than ours!
Also available at Shop | Faber Music and FM Dealers

In Preparation for the Theory Exam Series by Lee Ching Ching
In Preparation For The Theory Examinations Grade 1
In Preparation For The Theory Examinations Grade 2
In Preparation For The Theory Examinations Grade 3
In Preparation For The Theory Examinations Grade 4
In Preparation For The Theory Examinations Grade 5
In Preparation For The Theory Examinations Grades 6 to 8
Guidelines on the Instruments of the Orchestra
Also available at Shop | Faber Music and FM Dealers
Rhythm Concept Series also available at FM Dealers
3 IN 1 Concept: Figuring the Bass, Bach's Chorale, Trio Sonata
Guidelines on Identifying Music Scores Grade 6-8
Guidelines On History Of Music Grade 6-8
Guidelines On Technical Terms & Musical Devices Used In Musical Compositions Grade 6-8
Guidelines on Melody Writing with Exercises Grade 6-8
Guidelines on Figured Bass with Exercises Grade 6-8
Guidelines on Harmony Grade 6-8
Workbook on Harmony Grade 6
Workbook on Harmony Grade 7
Workbook on Harmony Grade 8
Guidelines on the Instruments of the Orchestra
An Introduction to 20th Century Music
An Illustrated Workbook Guide to the Orchestra, Composers and their Music
An Introductory Workbook Guide to Music Scores
The Young Pianist's Activity Book
A Handbook of Music Theory Grades 1-5
A Handbook of Music Theory Grades 6-8
Specimen Test Papers for Music Theory Grade 1
Specimen Test Papers for Music Theory Grade 2
Specimen Test Papers for Music Theory Grade 3
Specimen Test Papers for Music Theory Grade 4
Specimen Test Papers for Music Theory Grade 5
Specimen Papers for the Theory of Music Grade 1
Specimen Papers for the Theory of Music Grade 2
Specimen Papers for the Theory of Music Grade 3
Specimen Papers for the Theory of Music Grade 4
Specimen Papers for the Theory of Music Grade 5
Workbook With More Exercises on Theory of Music by Guy C. Cremnitz
Workbook With More Exercises on Theory of Music Grade 1
Workbook With More Exercises on Theory of Music Grade 2
Workbook With More Exercises on Theory of Music Grade 3
Workbook With More Exercises on Theory of Music Grade 4
Workbook With More Exercises on Theory of Music Grade 5
Workbook With More Exercises on Theory of Music Grade 6
Workbook With More Exercises on Theory of Music Grade 7
Workbook With More Exercises on Theory of Music Grade 8

Rhythm MP – Alfred's Classic Editions
🔎 Alfred's Classic Editions at music retailers or online sellers
Burgmüller 25 Progressive Pieces Op.100
Czerny Practical Method Op.599 Complete
Czerny The School of Velocity Op.299 Complete
42 Famous Classics for Easy Piano
Hanon Complete
Junior Hanon
Köhler Sonatina Album
Teacher's Choice for the Young Pianist
The Very First Piano Solo Book
Strictly Strings Violin Book 1
Strictly Strings Violin Book 2
Learn more at
Because of Love Series 🎧 Album by Lucy Loo on Spotify ♫
Because of Love (orange book) with CD
Because of Love (green book) with CD
Because of Love (purple book) with CD
Because of Love (red book) with CD
Sonny Chua Piano Music (book with CD)
Keyboard Favourites Series
Keyboard Favourites Elementary Volume 1
Keyboard Favourites Elementary Volume 2
Keyboard Favourites Elementary Volume 3
Keyboard Favourites Intermediate Volume 1
Keyboard Favourites Intermediate Volume 2
Keyboard Favourites Intermediate Volume 3
Graded Organ Course Preliminary
Graded Organ Course Book 1
Graded Organ Course Book 2
Reference Books
The Art of Beethoven (in a set of 2 volume)
Guidelines to Piano Interpretation
Harmony Workbook
A Book of Musical Terms & Musical Instruments
Manuscript Book 190mm x 267mm, 8 staves, 32 pages, Stitched
Manuscript Book 225mm x 300mm, 12 staves, 32 pages, Stitched
Children's Manuscript Book 266mm x 187mm, 4 extra-wide staves, 32 pages, Stitched
Music Notebook – Student Assignment Book
Fun with Fingers Series
Fun With Fingers Book 1
Fun With Fingers Book 2
Fun With Fingers Repertoire Grade 1
Fun With Fingers Repertoire Grade 2
Fun With Fingers Repertoire Grade 3
Fun With Fingers Repertoire Grade 4
Fun With Fingers Repertoire Grade 5
Fun With Fingers Country & Blues
Fun With Fingers Mastering The Fretboard
Pop Selection Series
Pop Selection for the Classical Guitar Volume 1
Pop Selection for the Classical Guitar Volume 2
Pop Selection for the Classical Guitar Volume 3
Pop Selection for the Classical Guitar Volume 4
Play Guitar the Easy Way Series
Play Guitar the Easy Way Lagu-Lagu Pop Jilid 1
Play Guitar the Easy Way Liu Xing Bang Volume 1 / 吉他流行榜第一集
Play Guitar the Easy Way Top Hits Volume 2
Play Guitar the Easy Way Top Hits Volume 3
Guitar Reference Books
Guitar Chords & Scales
Guitar Chord Progressions, Scales & Arpeggios
Rock & Heavy Metal Guitar
Rock 'N' Pop Guitar Chord Book
Solo & Accompaniment for Guitar Book 1
Solo & Accompaniment for Guitar Book 2
Strum 'N' Sing-A-Long Book 1
Strum 'N' Sing-A-Long Book 2
Strum 'N' Sing-A-Long Book 3
The Fun Guitar Book 1
Bermain Gitar Aapek Melodi, Iringan dan Gubahan
Music For Festivities
All-Time Favourite Chinese New Year Songs for Piano / 钢琴新年金曲专辑
Christmas Carols for Piano
Tunes for Special Occasions - Christmas Isn't Christmas
Air Supply Greatest Hits
The Best of Danny Chan / 陈百强精选 🔍 Search Google
The Best of Beyond / Beyond 专辑
The Best of Jacky Cheung / 张学友专辑
The Best of Jacky Cheung Volume 2 / 张学友专辑第二集
The Best of Faye Wong / 王菲专辑
The Best of Sentimental Hits Volume 1
The Best of Sentimental Hits Volume 2
The Best of Sentimental Hits Volume 3
The Best of Sentimental Hits Volume 4
The Best of Sentimental Hits Volume 5
The Best of Sentimental Hits Volume 6
Box Office Themes Volume 1
Box Office Themes Volume 2
Box Office Themes Volume 3
Favourite Piano Solos Volume 1 / 钢琴精品集1
Favourite Piano Solos Volume 2 / 钢琴精品集2
Favourite Piano Solos Volume 3 / 钢琴精品集3
Favourite Piano Solos Volume 4 / 钢琴精品集4
Musical Memories 1930-1970 Volume 1 / 音响旧曲第一集
Musical Memories 1930-1970 Volume 2 / 音响旧曲第二集 🔍 Search
Musical Memories 1930-1970 Volume 3 / 音响旧曲第三集
Memorable Folk Hits / 音响民谣篇
Memorable Theme Songs / 音响电影篇
Special Request Volume 1
Special Request Volume 2
Special Request Volume 3
Special Request Volume 4
Special Request Volume 5
Special Request Volume 6
Children Songs
Kid's Corner Volume 1 / 小朋友歌集第一集
Kid's Corner Volume 2 / 小朋友歌集第二集
Kid's Corner
Lagu-Lagu Pendidikan
Malay Edition
Muzik-Muzik Jilid 5
Muzik-Muzik Jilid 6
Muzik-Muzik Jilid 7
Play Guitar the Easy Way Lagu-Lagu Pop Jilid 1
Lagu-Lagu Pendidikan
Bermain Gitar Aapek Melodi, Iringan dan Gubahan
Music Design / Music Net
Romantic Contemporary Hits Volume 37 / 浪漫金曲第三十七集
Romantic Contemporary Hits Volume 38 / 浪漫金曲第三十八集
Romantic Contemporary Hits Volume 39 / 浪漫金曲第三十九集
Mega Starz Hitz Volume 13
Mega Starz Hitz Volume 14
Selections From TV & Movie Themes Volume 27
Selections From TV & Movie Themes Volume 28
K Pop (A Collection of Korean TV & Movie Themes) Volume 8
Piano Instrumental Volume 7
EZ Hit for Easy Piano Volume 7
EZ Hit for Easy Piano Volume 8
EZ Hit for Easy Piano Volume 9
Hit Parade Volume 23
Hit Parade Volume 24
Hit Parade Volume 25
Hit Parade Volume 26
Popular Melodies for Solo Guitar Series 7
Popular Solo Guitar Hitz Volume 1
Essential Elements & Exercises for Aural Tests
Grade 4 (Book & CD) • BHL0511A
Grade 5 (Book & CD) • BHL0511B
Grade 6 (Book & 2 CDs) • BHL0511C
Grade 7 (Book & 2 CDs) • BHL0511D
Grade 8 (Book & 2 CDs) • BHL0511E
New 2nd English Edition
Compiled, written & performed by
Emeritus Professor Edward Ho

Music Sales at
🔎 Everybody's Favorite Series at music retailers or online sellers
Piano Pieces for Children (Everybody’s Favorite Series No.3)
Piano Pieces for Children 2 (Everybody's Favorite Series)
Piano Pieces for Young Children (Everybody's Favorite Series)
Piano Pieces for Adult Beginners (Everybody's Favorite Series)
Next Step Boogie, Rags and Blues Collection
Pop Tunes You've Always Wanted to Play
Show Tunes You've Always Wanted to Play
Fast Forward: 12-Bar Blues Piano Book & CD
Making the Grade Piano Grade 1
Eta Cohen’s: Violin Method Student’s Book 1
Eta Cohen’s: Violin Method Student’s Book 2
Making the Grade Violin & Piano Grade 1
Making the Grade Violin & Piano Grade 2
Making the Grade Violin & Piano Grade 3
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Up-Grade! Piano Grades 0–1 (Pam Wedgwood)
Up-Grade! Piano Grades 1–2 (Pam Wedgwood)
Up-Grade! Piano Grades 2–3 (Pam Wedgwood)
Up-Grade! Piano Grades 3–4 (Pam Wedgwood)
Up-Grade! Piano Grades 4–5 (Pam Wedgwood)
Really Easy Jazzin' About Piano Grades 0-2 (Pam Wedgwood)
Jazzin' About Styles Piano Grades 0-2 (Pam Wedgwood)
Jazzin' About Piano Duet Grades 0-2 (Pam Wedgwood)
Easy Jazzin' About Piano Duet Grades 3-5 (Pam Wedgwood)
Green Jazzin' About Piano Grades 4-5 (Pam Wedgwood)
Christmas Jazzin' About Piano Duet Grades 3-5 (Pam Wedgwood)
Christmas Jazzin' About Piano Grades 0-2 (Pam Wedgwood)
More Jazzin' About Piano Grades 0-2 (Pam Wedgwood)
Easy Jazzin' About Piano Grades 0-2 (Pam Wedgwood)
Jazzin' About Piano Grades 3-4 (Pam Wedgwood)
After Hours Book 1 Piano Grades 3-5 (Pam Wedgwood)
After Hours Book 2 Piano Grades 4-6 (Pam Wedgwood)
After Hours Book 3 Piano Grades 5-6 (Pam Wedgwood)
After Hours Piano Duet (Pam Wedgwood)
After Hours Christmas Piano (Pam Wedgwood)

Paul Harris is a teacher, composer, writer, clarinettist, educationalist and examiner. The author of over 250 publications including The Music Teacher’s Companion (ABRSM (Publishing) Limited) and the Improve Your Sight-Reading! series (Faber Music) and many works ranging from short educational pieces to five concertos and a ballet.
Click here to read 'Simultaneous learning: teaching pupils to think musically', featured in Libretto 2001:3
Click here to read 'Simultaneous learning for the advanced pupil', featured in Libretto 2002:2
Click here to read 'A teacher's guide to Improve Your Sight-Reading!'
Learn more at
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Piano Grade 1 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Piano Grade 2 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Piano Grade 3 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Piano Grade 4 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Piano Grade 5 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Piano Grade 6 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Piano Grade 7 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Piano Grade 8 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Scales! Piano Grade 1 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Scales! Piano Grade 2 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Scales! Piano Grade 3 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Scales! Piano Grade 4 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Scales! Piano Grade 5 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Practice! Piano Grade 1 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Practice! Piano Grade 2 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Practice! Piano Grade 3 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Practice! Piano Grade 4 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Practice! Piano Grade 5 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Violin Grade 1 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Violin Grade 2 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Violin Grade 3 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Violin Grade 4 (Paul Harris)
Improve Your Sight-Reading! Violin Grade 5 (Paul Harris)
Young Violinist's Repertoire Book 1 (violin and piano)
Young Violinist's Repertoire Book 2 (violin and piano)
Young Violinist's Repertoire Book 3 (violin and piano)
Young Violinist's Repertoire Book 4 (violin and piano)
Boosey & Hawkes
Learn more at &
Microjazz for Absolute Beginners (Christopher Norton)
Microjazz for Beginners (Christopher Norton)
Microjazz Collection 1 (Christopher Norton)
Microjazz Collection 2 (Christopher Norton)
Microjazz Collection 3 (Christopher Norton)
Microjazz Duets Collection 1 (Christopher Norton)
Microjazz Duets Collection 2 (Christopher Norton)
Microjazz Duets Collection 3 (Christopher Norton)
Microstyles Collection [Book & CD] (Christopher Norton)
Latin Preludes Collection [Book & CD] (Christopher Norton)
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Big Beats Country Comfort [Book & CD] (Christopher Norton)
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Big Beats Chunky Phunky [Book & CD] (Christopher Norton)
Big Beats Techno Treat [Book & CD] (Christopher Norton)
Big Beats R&B Ripple [Book & CD] (Christopher Norton)
BARTÓK Mikrokosmos Volume 6
Classical Spectrum
ABC of Harmony Book A (Roy Wilkinson)
ABC of Harmony Book B (Roy Wilkinson)
ABC of Harmony Book C (Roy Wilkinson)
Also available from Boosey & Hawkes - Wilkinson, Roy
ABC of Theory Grade 6 (Roy Wilkinson & Maria Chen)
ABC of Theory Grade 7 (Roy Wilkinson & Maria Chen)
ABC of Theory Grade 8 (Roy Wilkinson & Maria Chen)
ABC of Aural Awareness Grade 1 (Roy Wilkinson & Maria Chen)
ABC of Aural Awareness Grade 2 (Roy Wilkinson & Maria Chen)
ABC of Aural Awareness Grade 3 (Roy Wilkinson & Maria Chen)
ABC of Aural Awareness Grade 4 (Roy Wilkinson & Maria Chen)
ABC of Aural Awareness Grade 5 (Roy Wilkinson & Maria Chen)
ABC of Aural Awareness Grade 6 (Roy Wilkinson & Maria Chen)
ABC of Aural Awareness Grade 7 (Roy Wilkinson & Maria Chen)
ABC of Aural Awareness Grade 8 (Roy Wilkinson & Maria Chen)
Also available from Boosey & Hawkes - Wilkinson, Roy & Chen, Maria