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Playing Piano Is Fun Book 1

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PpiF is a progressive four-book piano tutor series. It is designed to meet the developmental needs of children as they journey through the wonderful world of music. It is the first piano tutor series to include a teacher’s guide (on the even number pages in Books One and Two) besides each students’ score (on the odd number pages). Materials in Books Three and Four will progress on to Grade one practical and theory syllabi. The author encourages the students to be CREATIVE - expressing themselves not only on playing but in drawing too. There are prompters on each piece to encourage the students to draw in the book. To awaken the musical interest of the children, the author-composer has included characters from Lewis Carroll's classic stories of Alice's adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-glass. All the tunes are composed by Alice Chua. Remember to bring smiles and laughter in your lessons. It is always a joy to see the enthusiasm of the children in your lessons. Teach the piano in a fun way. Have fun teaching! Enjoy the series!

Author/Composer: Alice Chua
Instrument: Piano
Category: Method & Tutor
Publisher: Rhythm MP
Item Code: MPP-4003-01
Bar Code: 9 789679 856163
ISBN-10: 967-985-616-X
ISBN-13: 978 967985616 3
Total Pages: 64 (+ stickers)
Weight: 290g
Book Size: 225mm x 300mm (Landscape)
Binding: Limp Bound (limp thread sewn)
Series: Playing Piano is Fun (PpiF)

Description: 'Playing Piano Is Fun' is a keyboard tutor series for beginners. It is designed to meet the developmental needs of children as they journey through the wonderful world of music. The tunes are specially composed by Alice Chua, and are based on the characters and subjects from the classic stories of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll. The literary experience is translated into the language of music with the intention of awakening the musical interests of children.

'Playing Piano Is Fun' is a novel approach developed through the author’s practical experience derived from teacher-pupil interaction. The large music font size captures the students’ attention and helps them to focus. Meanwhile, pages are left intentionally without pictures to encourage students to further EXPRESS their CREATIVITY by providing illustrations for the songs themselves. New elements are introduced incrementally and are incorporated progressively. Teacher’s accompaniment is encouraged to enhance the musical experience, thus inspiring and motivating students. Some suggestions for the enhancement of the teaching elements can be found inside the front cover. In addition to playing piano, this series' unique approach includes Listening, Singing, Transposing, Harmonising, Improvising and Composing at an early stage.

Pointers: story lineTiP1, TiP2, TiP3, TiP4
Pointers: piano stoolTiP
Pointers: piano stool - distanceTiP
Pointers: hand-shapeTiP
Pointers: holding each note to its full valueTiP
Pointers: playing quavers (eighth notes)TiP
Pointers: bass clef notesTiP

Pages include:
Cheerful stickers simply for FUN as the series are called!
1. Title page and copyright notices
2. Foreword
3. About the Author
4. Dedication
5. Contents
Introduction: 1st piano lessonTiP
6. Finger Numbers
6. The Piano
6. Finding D Note
7. The Stave
7. Treble Clef or G Clef
7. Correct Sitting Posture
9. The Keyboard
10. Middle C
10. Time Name & Time Value 1
11. Mummy Dinah Washing The KittensTiP1, TiP2 (video)
12. D Note
12. Bass Clef or F Clef
13. Kitty Playing With SnowdropTiP1, TiP2 (video)
14. E Note
14. Bar Rest
15. Curiouser and CuriouserTiP1, TiP2 (video)
16. Notes C, D & E
16. Rhythm Name 1
17. The Garden of Live Flowers
19. The Large Flower Bed
20. Rhythm Name 2
20. Octave
21. The Willow-Tree
23. Tiger-Lily Says ‘We Can Talk’
24. F Note
24. Bars & Bar Lines
25. The Willow-Tree Barks
26. Notes C, D, E & F
26. Time Name & Time Value 2
26. Rhythm Name 3
27. The Willow-Tree Says ‘Bough-Wough’
29. The Daisies’ Shrill Voices
30. G Note
31. The Pink Daisies
32. Notes C, D, E, F & G
32. Time Signature
33. Sleepy Violet
34. Notes C, D, E, F & G
35. She’s Redder
38. Nine Spikes Crown
40. Crotchet Rest
41. Happy Talking Flowers
Part Two:
42. Notes G, A, B & Middle C on the Bass Clef
43. Larkspur’s Announcement
45. Thump, Thump, Thump
46. Time Name & Time Value 3
46. Rhythm Name 4
47. The Arrival of the Red Queen
48. Phrase Marking
49. The Tall Red Queen
50. The Game of Looking-Glass Chess
52. The White Pawn
54. The Fourth SquareTiP2 (story line)
56. The White KnightTiP3 (story line)
58. All Shall Be Queens (Duet)
60. Games: A summary of the story of The Garden of Live Flowers. This is composed in a Game form whereby students name the notes to find the answers.TiP (story line)
62. Manuscript

Pointers: Teaching DuetsPart 1, Part 2, Part 3, Video
Pointers: Learning a solo and duet repertoireTiP
Pointers: Teacher's accompaniment from the very beginningTiP

About the Author

Alice is a passionate and enthusiastic musician, a versatile arranger, composer and music author. To this date, she has written many music books, used extensively in Asia and the United Kingdom. She is also an examiner with the London College of Music.

Whilst living in Malaysia and Singapore, Alice was Chief Music Instructor for Yamaha Music Asia. She opened new music schools in Singapore, Malaysia and Myanmar, and started music programs for preschoolers in Indonesia. This involved training teachers and designing music curricula suited specifically for each country. She frequently represented Malaysia in various international conferences hosted by Yamaha Music Foundation.

Now residing in London with her daughter, Alice divides her time between sharing her love of music with her students and invigilating examinations and competitions in Europe and the Far East. She believes that music should be played from memory, so that every child has the confidence to perform in any environment at any time, without needing to rely on a score. When children can express themselves freely in this way, it develops their ability to immediately engage their audience, and to derive from the music a personal sense of enjoyment.

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The ART of Teaching (AoT) is written specially for teachers who are teaching beginners. It is written in simple instruction and AoT is very much suited to be used alongside all piano tutor books and graded syllabus as teaching music elements are applicable to all piano tutor books. — Pieces, Scales, Sight-Reading, Aural, Theory, Creativity, Composition, Improvisation and Technique Building.

Music is connected in all elements. We cannot isolate a piece to teach without involving any aural awareness, and neither can we teach theory without ‘hearing’ the theory, (e.g. we have to hear the pitch of a sharpened note when we teach the accidental - sharp ‘#’). This cohesive organisation of thoughts and actions will make your lessons invaluable and interesting to your students. With it intertwined together, the lessons become ‘alive’ and musically enriching. — The ART of Teaching (AoT)

Let’s move on together for a more ‘MUSICAL’ music education for the new generation. They deserve a better music education than ours!
Also available at Faber Music Store and FM Dealers