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🎧 🎤 🎹 🎼 ✍️ Sign up for a more ‘MUSICAL’ music education

Music Performance & Appreciation (MPA)

Music is about creativity, imagination and self-expression.

MPA is an opportunity to...
develop listening skills
enhance rhythmic studies
practice harmony
write your own music
But most of all, experience the joy of making music!

What is MPA and how does it help in the journey of music education?
MPA stands for Music Performance and Appreciation, which is a gathering of music students to perform and acquire music appreciation through our activities.

MPA is NOT directly related to any music examination system. MPA is to help enhance the students' musical perception and creativity in music to develop their musical mind.

Are teachers and parents encouraged to witness this program?
YES. Teachers and parents are surely welcome to witness this program.

How is MPA related to students' regular on-going music lessons?
MPA assist teachers by helping to sustain the musical interest of their students through exploring various musical activities related to their music studies.

How does one benefit musically from the various MPA activities and games?
Come and find out for yourself.


This activity involves:
• Music and movement
• Rhythmic coordination
• Singing
• Music theory games
• Life skills

Who can take part in this activity?
Students age 7-12 years old with or without music knowledge

How long is the activity?
2 hours

Act now! Please click on Music Is Fun registration form to register. For more information, please email


Music For Kids(音乐与绘画)

A special music program for young kids age 5 & 6 years old to discover and experience the joy of music, to stimulate their creativity and self-expression.

This program involves:
• Music & Movement
• Rhythmic coordination
• Singing (pitch)
• Music composition using Card Games Made Easy
• Draw & Colour (based on a theme)

Who can take part in this program?
This special program is for kids with or without any music knowledge or musical experience. It is open to all to experience the joy of music.

How can it help young kids?
• Helps identify some dysfunctions like motor-skill problems, hearing problems (tone deaf), rhythmic coordination problems (rhythm blind).
• Improve total body and limbs coordination.
• Active participation in activities to build self-esteem/confidence.

How long is the program?
It is a 2-hour program (9:00AM – 11:00AM or 3:00PM – 5:00PM) that engages young kids in various musical activities.

Are observers allowed?
Yes, as long as they are parents of your students and teachers of your school, and there has to be enough space to accommodate everyone.

What to bring?
Writing utensils: colour pencils or crayons, pencils, eraser, sharpener, etc.


Young Musicians’ Skills Development Program

This program involves:
• Rhythmic activity
• Harmony (Application of chords)
• Pitch
• Elementary improvisation

Who can take part in this program?
Students age 7-12 years old with basic music knowledge. (Note: Suitable for students who have completed Piano Lesson Made Easy Level 2 and/or My Second Theory Book.)

How long is the program?
It is a 2-hour program (9:00AM – 11:00AM or 3:00PM – 5:00PM) that engages students in various musical activities.

Don't miss it! Please click on YMSD Program registration form to register. For more information, please email

Music theory:
Music literacy is very important and being able to read music means you can explore any kind of music available today. This card game is a great teaching and learning aid for music. Early music rudiments can be easily learned, remembered and applied instantly using these cards. Let's learn to create music, which means to compose music using these cards.

Activities example:
Sing the song 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' that uses 3 notes, C, D and E only BUT to be rhythmically changed. Create your own rhythmic feel. Click here for MP3 audio of the sample below:

Click here for MP3 audio of the sample below:

Sing the song 'Good Morning' or 'Lightly Row' that uses 5 notes, C, D, E, F and G only BUT to be rhythmically changed. Create your own rhythmic feel. Click here for MP3 audio of the sample below:

Click here for MP3 audio of the sample below:

Click here to contact Rhythm MAPS Programme on WhatsApp


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