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Sonny Chua Piano Music

Would you like some guidance with how to expertly play a Sonny Chua piece?

Consultation lessons are available for students/teachers preparing for exams, concerts, competitions and festivals. Sonny also assists students/teachers with audition preparation. Sonny is located in Hawthorn East, Melbourne, Victoria (Australia!) and will be in Penang on 3-13 January 2019.

For more information, please click here to contact us on WhatsApp. Please note that places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Thank you.

Sonny Chua Piano Music VOLUME I (Preliminary and Grade 1)
Order No.: MAS-85591
Bar Code: 9 559679 855912
ISBN: 967-985-591-0
Songs include:
- Lonely Fairy (*Grade 1)
- Waltz It All About I (*Grade 1)
- Waltz It All About II (*Preliminary Grade)
- T-Rex Awake (*Preliminary Grade)
- The 2-Finger Piece
- Jive Turkey
- Cockroach Stomp
- Cuckoo Fairy
- It Wasn't Me
- Out Of My Way
- T-Rex Hungry (*Grade 1)

Sonny Chua Piano Music VOLUME II (Grade 2 to Grade 3)
Order No.: MAS-85592
Bar Code: 9 559679 855929
ISBN: 967-985-592-9
Songs include:
- T-Rex Asleep (*Grade 2)
- Zeitgeist 4 (*Grade 2)
- Dripping Fairy (*Grade 2)
- Dizzy Fairy (*Grade 2)
- Twinkling Fairy (*Grade 2)
- Waltz It All About V (*Grade 2)
- Funky Fairy
- Dog Awake (*Grade 2)
- Dog Hungry (*Grade 3)

Sonny Chua Piano Music VOLUME III (Grade 4 to Grade 5)
Order No.: MAS-85593
Bar Code: 9 559679 855936
ISBN: 967-985-593-7
Songs include:
- Flapping Fairy (*Grade 2)
- Zeitgeist 7 (*Grade 4)
- Zeitgeist 8 (*Grade 4)
- Waltz It All About VI (*Grade 4)
- Waltz It All About VIII (*Grade 4)
- Lonesome Blues (*Grade 4)
- Bedtime Stomp (*Grade 4)
- Zeitgeist 22 (*Grade 6)
- Hot & Sassy (*Grade 5)

Sonny Chua Piano Music VOLUME IV (Grade 6 to Grade 8)
Order No.: MAS-85594
Bar Code: 9 559679 855943
ISBN: 967-985-594-5
Songs include:
- Twirling Fairy (*Grade 5)
- Sonatina 1st Movement: Preludio (*Grade 7)
- Sonatina 2nd Movement: Angel
- Sonatina 3rd Movement: Rondo (*Grade 8)
- Transylvanian Romp (*Grade 7)
- Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let Down Your Hair... (*Grade 6)
- Siesta (*Grade 8)
- Struttin' It Around... (*Grade 7)
- The Jig Is Up...! (*Grade 8)

*St Cecilia Pianoforte Syllabus

Sonny Chua's music is characterised by its playfulness with styles and musical techniques. His music strives for the beauty of the simple and brevity and speaks in an accessible and lively language. As most of his music was primarily written as educational works for his students, these works were composed with attention to developing performance techniques and awareness of intelligent design.

Born on 2nd November 1967 in Penang, Malaysia, Chua grew up and was educated in Melbourne, Australia. He completed a Bachelor of Music degree at University of Melbourne with a focus on piano performance and music composition.

Chua's music is presently listed on all Australian examination syllabuses and is published by Allans Publishing and Midnight Editions. His piano works are regularly heard in competitions for young musicians and on the radio. He is currently President of the Association of Music Educators (Victoria) and Assistant Director of Music at Melbourne High School. Chua has an active interest in the research of boys and music education and is the director of the MHS Chorale, a voluntary based boys choir (members number over 60 students) at Melbourne High School. He is presently working in developing the repertoire for such choirs in schools and the community.

Chua has spoken on piano teaching and music education in workshops, festivals and conferences, including the 2003 Australasian Piano Pedagogy Conference, the 2004 Boys & Music symposium hosted by the Association of Music Educators (aMuse) the 2005 national conference of Australian Society of Music Education (ASME) and at the 2006 International Society of Music Education (ISME) world conference to be hosted in Kuala Lumpur. His papers on these topics have been published in conferences and educational publications.

Other than music, Chua's passions include Italian cuisine, pinot noir & rowing.