👂♫ Remember to include aural training when teaching theory — ‘HEAR’ the theory (and sing/play if possible) — Music is all about LISTENING thus effectively making our EARS act as our ‘eyes’, ‘brains’ and ‘everything’ in learning to play a musical instrument. ACTIVE LISTENING to the changes in pitch, rhythm, dynamics, articulation, and tempo is an acquired skill that can be nurtured and developed. — The ART of Teaching (AoT) 🎹
Theory Made Easy for Little Children Level 1
Editor/Author: Lina Ng
Category: Theory
Publisher: Rhythm MP
Order No.: MPT-3005-01
Bar Code: 9 556811 100695
ISBN-10: 967-985-444-2
ISBN-13: 978 967985444 2
Total Pages: 48
Weight: 230g
Book Size: 225mm X 300mm
Binding: Limp Bound
Series: Made Easy
Description: Specifically suited for children ages 4 to 7 years old, these two books present music theory using colourful illustrations and stickers for the exercises. Children will derive much pleasure in learning music from these books.
Songs: Mary Had a Little Lamb, Good Morning
Games: Card Games Made Easy, Kid’s Percussion Band Workshop
Events: Music Jamboree, Music For Kids(音乐与绘画)
Your Musical Journey Begins Here!

Greek Edition
Ελληνική: Κατάλληλα για παιδιά ηλικίας 4-7 ετών, αυτά τα δύο βιβλία παρουσιάζουν τη θεωρία της μουσικής μέσα από έγχρωμη εικονογράφηση και αυτοκόλλητα για τις ασκήσεις. Τα παιδιά παίρνουν μεγάλη ευχαρίστηση μαθαίνοντας μουσική απ’ αυτά τα βιβλία.
French Edition
Française: Spécialement conçus pour les jeunes enfants de 4 à 7 ans, ces deux livres présentent la théorie de la musique en utilisant des illustrations de couleurs vives et des autocollants pour les exercices. Les enfants trouveront beaucoup de plaisir en apprenant la musique par ces livres.
Turkish Edition
Türkçe: Müzik Alfabesi
Traditional Chinese Edition(繁體版)
幼儿乐理: 这两套乐理书籍特别适合年龄介于4至7岁的儿童,它们使用色彩缤纷的插图和贴纸练习来带出乐理知识。运用这套书籍将使儿童在学习音乐的过程中获得无穷的乐趣。

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- Theory Made Easy for Little Children Level 2
- My First Theory Book
- My Second Theory Book
- My Third Theory Book
- Young Composers Music Manuscript » Be A Young Composer
- Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 1
- Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 2
- Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 3
- Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 4
- Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 5
- Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 6
- Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 7
- Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 8
- Piano Lesson Made Easy Level 1
- Piano Lesson Made Easy Level 2
- Piano Lesson Made Easy Level 3
- Finger Exercises Made Easy Level 1
- Finger Exercises Made Easy Level 2
- Finger Exercises Made Easy Level 3

Special Edition for the United States and Canada
Theory Made Easy for Kids, Level 1 (Item: 98-MP300501US)
Theory Made Easy for Kids, Level 2 (Item: 98-MP300502US)
My First Music Theory Book (Item: 98-MP300201US)
My Second Music Theory Book (Item: 98-MP300202US)
My Third Music Theory Book (Item: 98-MP300203US)
The ART of Teaching (AoT) is written specially for teachers who are teaching beginners. It is written in simple instruction and AoT is very much suited to be used alongside all piano tutor books and graded syllabus as teaching music elements are applicable to all piano tutor books. — Pieces, Scales, Sight-Reading, Aural, Theory, Creativity, Composition, Improvisation and Technique Building.
Music is connected in all elements. We cannot isolate a piece to teach without involving any aural awareness, and neither can we teach theory without ‘HEARING’ the theory, (e.g. we have to ‘HEAR’ the pitch of a sharpened note when we teach the accidental - sharp ‘#’). This cohesive organisation of thoughts and actions will make your lessons invaluable and interesting to your students. With it intertwined together, the lessons become ‘alive’ and musically enriching. — The ART of Teaching (AoT)
Let’s move on together for a more ‘MUSICAL’ music education for the new generation. They deserve a better music education than ours!
- Playing Piano Is Fun Book 1
- Playing Piano Is Fun Book 2
- Playing Piano Is Fun Book 3
- Playing Piano Is Fun Book 4
🎹 Everything in music is interconnected. You may play the Musical Moments series for more MAKING CONNECTIONS ideas and activities.
The PROUD little note » A little note's journey to musical awareness
Creative Musical Moments with THEORY PRE-GRADE 1
Classic Musical Moments 1 with THEORY GRADE 1
Classic Musical Moments 2 with THEORY GRADE 2
Classic Musical Moments 3 with THEORY GRADE 3
Classic Musical Moments 4 with THEORY GRADE 4
Classic Musical Moments 5 with THEORY GRADE 5
Baba Nyonya Musical Moments » theory/practical connection
Advanced Baba Nyonya Musical Moments » practical/aural connection
“Do not straightaway Google song sheets for your favourite songs. Try to DIY. Reach out with your musical sense and play out the melody. Use chord progression to add accompaniment to the melody. Decorate the tune with catchy ornaments. The song will be more meaningful with your own personal touch.” — Helen Yeo, Musical Moments
🎹 Enjoy this Creative Musical journey! — The ART of Teaching (AoT)
♫ Listen to Inspirations (Winners' Musical Moments for Pianists)
A spin-off from Classic Musical Moments Grade 5 • MPB-1027-05
Get Ready for the next submission and best compositions will be chosen for publication!
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