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Good Morning

Come, let us sing...

Good Morning
Music taken from Piano Lesson Made Easy Level 1

Good morning, Good morning, nice to see your smiling face;
Good morning, Good morning, to you and to you.

Hello Ben Jee, Hello John,
Hello Ten Nee, Hello Tom;
Good morning, Good morning, to you and to you.

The lyrics 'Good Morning' can be substituted with any subject or topic you have learned. For example:

How are you? How are you? How are you my little friend?
How are you? How are you? I hope you are fine.

Very, very, very fine.
Happy, happy all the time.
How are you? How are you? I hope you are fine.

Sol Mi Mi - Fa Re Re - Do Re Mi Fa Sol Sol Sol -
Sol Mi Mi - Fa Re Re - Do Mi Sol Sol Do - - -

Re Re Re Re Re Mi Fa -
Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Fa Sol -
Sol Mi Mi - Fa Re Re - Do Mi Sol Sol Do - - -

Letter names:
G E E - F D D - C D E F G G G -
G E E - F D D - C E G G C - - -

D D D D D E F -
E E E E E F G -
G E E - F D D - C E G G C - - -




Objective: Learning theory and language through songs
- A greeting song to inculcate courtesy and fellowship among students.
- Introduce Solfège (Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol) in place of the lyrics.
- Introduce the note letter names (C, D, E, F, G) in place of the lyrics.

What music aspects have been taught using the above ideas?
- Musical pitch
- Solfège
- Note names
- Note values
- Rhythmic sense

Play the example below on your piano to know how it sounds. (Note: Suitable for students who have completed Piano Lesson Made Easy Level 2 and/or Piano Lesson Made Easy Level 3)

Accompaniment #1: Two-note chord

Accompaniment #2: Swing rhythm

Accompaniment #3: Contrary motion
Click here for MP3 audio of the sample below:

Accompaniment #4: Alberti bass

Alberti bass was named after Domenico Alberti (1710-1740), who used it extensively, although he was not the first to use it. A well known example of Alberti bass is found at the beginning of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Piano Sonata No. 16 in C major, K. 545:

Image:Mozart k545 opening.png

Lightly Row
Music taken from Step By Step Piano Course The Fun Way Step 1

Lightly row, lightly row, happy on the boat we go.
Lightly row, lightly row, all of us now in a row.

Merrily we roll along. Merrily we sail along.
Lightly row, lightly row, all together row.

Sol Mi Mi - Fa Re Re - Do Re Mi Fa Sol Sol Sol -
Sol Mi Mi - Fa Re Re - Do Mi Sol Sol Mi Mi Mi -

Re Re Re Re Re Mi Fa -
Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Fa Sol -
Sol Mi Mi - Fa Re Re - Do Mi Sol Sol Do - - -

Letter names:
G E E - F D D - C D E F G G G -
G E E - F D D - C E G G E E E -

D D D D D E F -
E E E E E F G -
G E E - F D D - C E G G C - - -

Please click here to write your own lyrics to the tune of 'Good Morning' or 'Lightly Row' in the comment section.

Mrs. Leony said...