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Guidelines on Identifying Music Scores Grade 6-8

Editor/Author: H. S. Yong
Grade: 6-8
Category: Theory
Publisher: Rhythm MP
Order No.: MPG-4004
Bar Code: 9 556811 102361
ISBN-10: 967-985-422-1
ISBN-13: 978 967985422 0
Total Pages: 48
Weight: 210g
Book Size: 225mm X 300mm
Binding: Limp Bound
Description: This book is tailor-made to meet the requirements of candidates in answering Questions 4 and 5 of the Grade 6 to 8. It is also suitable for certain sections of the LRSM Aural Awareness Paper. An ideal book for guidance in identifying and understanding the music of the various composers throughout the periods of musical history. A cross-reference of composers listed under countries can be found at the back of the book.