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Because of Love (purple book) with CD

Editor/Author: Lucy L and Raymond Tan
Instrument: Piano
Category: Repertoire
Publisher: Rhythm MP
Order No.: MPB-1023
Bar Code: 9 789679 855975
ISBN: 967-985-597-X
Total Pages: 36
Weight: 180g
Book Size: 225mm X 300mm
Binding: Stapling
Description: Because of Love (purple book) is a compilation of 13 character pieces, which are reminiscent of Schumann’s “Scenes from Childhood”. It encompasses a variety of styles from classical to contemporary genres of waltz, cha cha, swing and ballad. These pieces provide a refreshing supplement to the classical repertoire. The technical and rhythmical challenges, together with special features such as performance and accompaniment CD, make the teaching and learning process enjoyable.
Games: Primary Chords, Musical Form & Structure

  1. Little Flowers by Raymond Tan *
  2. Purple Music Box by Lucy L *
  3. Froggy My Friend by Lucy L *
  4. Sunflowers by Lucy L ***
  5. Rocking Horse by Lucy L ***
  6. Chinese Dolls by Lucy L *
  7. The Juggling Clown by Lucy L **
  8. The Enchanted Woods by Raymond Tan **
  9. Sunny Day by Raymond Tan **
  10. Pineapple Island by Lucy L ***
  11. Song for Ashley by Raymond Tan
  12. Nine to Five (duet) by Lucy L
  13. Don’t Wanna Be Ordinary (duet) by Lucy L
* St Cecilia Pianoforte Syllabus for grade 1
** St Cecilia Pianoforte Syllabus for grade 2
*** St Cecilia Pianoforte Syllabus for grade 3

Performed by Ashling Ng