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🎧 🎤 🎹 🎼 ✍️ Sign up for a more ‘MUSICAL’ music education

Music Jamboree 2008

Click here to view photos and click here to view videos.

A gathering, exchange and exploration of innovative teaching techniques
When? 18-23 August 2008 (Monday ~ Saturday)
Where? Hotel Continental, Penang, Malaysia

Music Jamboree continues to attract children who have not begun music lessons to attend it. With this revelation, we are now very enthusiastic about sharing our ideas with more music teachers, schools and studios.

Every year, music teachers from different areas attend this program to meet and build relationships with each other. We feel that there is a need for music teachers to come together to join efforts to cultivate our overall objective of creating more awareness on the importance of a good music education for all our children.

Music Jamboree 2008 registration now open. More details go to and click on MJ2008 Registration Form.

Acrobat Reader is required to open this file, and it can be down-loaded free of charge at

You can actually key in your particulars and save on the PDF copy of this form and email back to Michael or Tak Pin. Alternatively you may also print it out and complete the necessary particulars and fax it back to Rhythm MP at 00 60 4 5873691, whichever is more convenient to you.

For more information please contact Michael or Tak Pin.